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  • Automatic Text Recognition Made Easy

    Explore this curriculum on Automatic Text Recognition (ATR) and learn how to efficiently extract full text from heritage material images. Perfectly tailored for researchers, librarians, and archivists, these resources not only enhance your archival research and preservation efforts but also unlock the potential for computational analysis of your sources.
  • Datenmanagement

    In diesem Curriculum wird die Erhaltung des Lebenszyklus von geisteswissenschaftlichen (Forschungs-)Daten thematisiert. Schwerpunkte sind Datenmanagement, Metadaten und Langzeitarchivierung.
  • The ELEXIS Curriculum

    The ELEXIS Curriculum is an integrated set of training materials about electronic lexicography developed in the context of the European Lexicographic Infrastructure.
  • PARTHENOS Complete Guide to RIs

    This collection of modules from the PARTHENOS project comprise the 'PARTHENOS Complete Guide to Research Infrastructures'. Each module meets the needs of users at different levels: An 'Introduction to Research Infrastructures' for Beginners; 'Management Challenges in Research Infrastructures' for Intermediate level; and 'Introduction to Collaborations in Research Infrastructures' for Advanced levels.