A partnership between Kazerne Dossin and EHRI was established to enable sharing of metadata with a broader audience. This partnership resulted in changes to the practices of cataloguing archival materials within Kazerne Dossin. Using the example of the Lewkowicz family collection, this article focuses on the revolution Kazerne Dossin went through while standardising descriptions, and on the tools EHRI provided to optimise the workflow for collection holding institutes.
The Fortunoff Visual Search is a tool for both data visualisation and collection discovery from the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Tesimonies. This blogpost demonstrates the Visual Search tool in the Fortunoff Video Archive, including the search and filtering interface, as well as interpreting the resulting visualisations
This blog discusses the applicability of services such as automatic metadata generation and semantic annotation for automatic extraction of person names and locations from large datasets. This is demonstrated using Oral History Transcripts provided by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM).
This blog post from EHRI introduces 'quod' (querying OCRed documents), a prototype Python-based command line tool for OCRing and querying digitised historical documents, which can be used to organise large collections and improve information about provenance. To demonstrate its use in context, this blog takes the reader through a case study of the International Tracing Service, showing workflows and the steps taken from start to finish.
Topic modelling is a technique by which documents within a corpus are clustered based on how certain groups of terms are used together within the text. The commonalities between such term groupings tend to form what we would normally call “topics”, providing a way to automatically categorise documents by their structural content, rather than a more metadata-based knowledge system. Using resources held with EHRI's collections, this notebook offers learners an introduction to 'LDA' topic modelling using Python in a step-by-step guide.
Polifonia is a H2020 project that aims at harmonising diverse information sources in the landscape of musical heritage and scholarship. The challenges are many, from data management, to knowledge organisation and dissemination barriers. In this talk, an ontology driven strategy to organise, share, and interact with the wealth of music data on the web, is presented. This include solutions to engage with scholars and lay persons, with an emphasis on data visualisation and storytelling.
This video presentation from Clare Lanigan at the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) on the 'Archiving Reproductive Health' project, and discusses archival activism more broadly. In particular she gives a demonstration of the current collections available through the archive, provides details of how items were compiled, and also discusses the more pastoral and welfare issues for archival staff when dealing with items relating to political or social activism.
This webinar is a lively discussion of archival collections containing rich material relating to Dublin, ranging from 'ghost signs' that illustrate the hidden history of Dublin's commercial past, historical collections on key events in our shared history like the 1916 Rising, community-based films that showcase the contemporary social history of the city, photographs that provide insight into the fascinating heritage of communities like the Dublin Port docklands, and much more.
This webinar from the Digital Repository of Ireland focuses on what intangible cultural heritage is, why it's important, how it can be protected, and how digital records can help to pass them down to future generations
Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook can be great places for academics to share their research and reach new audiences. In this video, Dr Bob Nicholson (Edge Hill University, UK) will demonstrate the techniques he uses to share his research on Twitter.
In this lecture from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), Keith Baker addresses the Digital Humanities dimensions of two projects ('Writing Rights' and 'Revolutionizing Revolution') against the academic background at Stanford. This lecture gives special attention to exploring the possibilities of digital archives as well as visualisation in the field of history.
In this closing keynote at the DARIAH Virtual Annual Event 2021, Chris Heilmann, Principal PM for developer tools at Microsoft, covers a range of user-scenarios that he had to cover in the 25 years of building products for people on the web and what benefits it had to let go.