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The ELEXIS Curriculum

The ELEXIS Curriculum is an integrated set of training materials which contextualizes ELEXIS tools and services inside a broader, systematic pedagogic narrative. This means that the goal of the ELEXIS Curriculum is not simply to inform users about the functionalities of particular tools and services developed within the project, but to show how such tools and services are a) embedded in both lexicographic theory and practice; and b) representative of and contributing to the development of digital skills among lexicographers.


  1. Introduction to Dictionaries

    The goal of this course is to introduce a brief history of dictionaries as tools for the organization of knowledge about words and their meanings, and to analyze different ways of understanding and classifying the dictionary genre.
    • Toma Tasovac
    • Ana Salgado
    • Rute Costa
  2. Introduction to Dictionary Users

    The goal of this course is to introduce students to the important role played by dictionary usage research when developing and implementing new dictionaries.
    • Iztok Kosem
    • Tanja Wissik
    • Teja Goli
  3. Introduction to Corpus-Based Lexicographic Practice

    This course will explore the notion of lexicographic evidence and the limitation of subjective views on language by tracing the changes in lexicographic practice from the extensive use of manually selected citations to the employment of large language corpora.
    • Carole Tiberius
    • Ondřej Matuška
    • Iztok Kosem
  4. Capturing, Modeling and Transforming Lexical Data: An Introduction

    This course will introduce the theories, practices, and methods of digitizing legacy dictionaries for research, preservation and online distribution by focusing on the process of converting paper-based dictionaries to electronic format through image capture, text capture, data modeling and data enrichment.
    • Toma Tasovac
  5. Lexonomy: Mastering the ELEXIS Dictionary Writing System

    The course will explore how software tools for dictionary production (so-called dictionary writing systems, or DWS) can be used to streamline and facilitate the structural coherence and quality assurance in a dictionary project by focusing on Lexonomy, a dictionary-writing system developed as part of ELEXIS.
    • Tamás Váradi
    • Ondřej Matuška
    • Carole Tiberius
  6. Automating the Process of Dictionary Creation

    Building upon the material covered in LEX2: Mastering ELEXIS Corpus Tools for Lexicographic Purposes and Lexonomy: Mastering the ELEXIS Dictionary Writing System, this course will focus specifically on the changes in dictionary production after 2000 and the increasing importance of automation and post-editing in lexicography.
    • Miloš Jakubiček
    • Vojtěch Kovář
    • Ondřej Matuška
  7. CLARIN Tools and Resources for Lexicographic Work

    This course will present an overview of resources available from CLARIN that may be useful for the lexicographer; we refer to lexical datasets but also to textual resources such as corpora, as well as tools.
    • Francesca Frontini
    • Andrea Bellandi
    • Valeria Quochi
  8. Modeling Dictionaries in TEI Lex-0

    The course will focus on modeling dictionaries using TEI Lex-0, a subset of the community standard TEI (Text Encoding Initiative).
    • Toma Tasovac
  9. Modeling Dictionaries in OntoLex-Lemon

    This course describes the OntoLex-Lemon model, a recent standard for the representation of lexical information on the Web as linked data.
    • John McCrae
    • Fahad Khan
  10. LEX3: Transforming Legacy Dictionaries using Elexifier

    This course introduces Elexifier, a cloud-based dictionary service for the conversion of legacy XML and PDF dictionaries into a shared data format based on the ELEXIS Data Model.
    • Carole Tiberius
    • Tina Munda
    • Andraž Repar
  11. Lexicography in the Age of Open Data

    This course explores the principles of open access, open data, FAIR principles and open science as they apply to lexicography including the specific challenges posed by intellectual property rights and copyright issues in the context of lexicographic work.
    • Fahad Khan
    • John McCrae
  12. Mastering LEX1: The Dictionary Matrix

    This course will introduce the concept and the ELEXIS implementation of the dictionary matrix, a universal repository of linked senses, and other types of lexical information found in existing lexicographic resources.
    • Iztok Kosem
  13. Extracting Lexical Data: XPath for Dictionary Nerds

    XPath (XML Path Language) is a standard query language for selecting nodes from XML documents. In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to write XPath expressions in order to navigate around our XML-encoded dictionaries and select only those bits of data that you are interested in.
    • Toma Tasovac
  14. Transforming Lexical Data: XSLT for Dictionary Nerds

    The course builds upon Extracting Lexical Data: XPath for Dictionary Nerds and introduces the basics of XSL Transformations (XSLT), a standard language for transforming XML documents.
    • Toma Tasovac