About DARIAH-Campus
What is DARIAH-Campus?
DARIAH-Campus is both a discovery framework and a hosting platform for DARIAH and DARIAH-affiliated offerings in training and education.
The goal of DARIAH-Campus is to widen access to open, inclusive, high-quality learning materials that aim to enhance creativity, skills, technology and knowledge in the digitally-enabled arts and humanities.
DARIAH-Campus started as a pilot project exploring different ways of capturing and consolidating DARIAH learning resources within the H2020-funded project DESIR (DARIAH-ERIC Sustainability Refined).
The beta version of DARIAH-Campus was released on November 6th, 2019 at the DESIR Event in Zagreb. In 2021, new features were added to the site to include the addition of curricula, and a new Content Management System to make edits to the site easier for content-providers.
If you have learning resources that you would like to share on or create for DARIAH-Campus, feel free to get in touch with us to discuss next steps.
Contact Us
All queries are welcomed, and can be sent to the DARIAH-Campus team via the DARIAH Helpdesk, Subject: ‘Education and training’.
The DARIAH-Campus editorial team would like to acknowledge the work of the Programming Historian team. We recognise the trailblazing work done by their volunteer-driven team in advancing Open Educational Resources, and their carefully-crafted Author Guidelines have served as inspiration for own guidelines.