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DARIAH-Campus Reuse Charter

Fostering open access to scholarly resources, as well as collaboration and fair data-sharing practices among a diverse range of actors involved in knowledge creation in the Arts and Humanities, has been central to DARIAH's ambitions from the very beginning.

Fostering open access to scholarly resources, as well as collaboration and fair data-sharing practices among a diverse range of actors involved in knowledge creation in the Arts and Humanities, has been central to DARIAH’s ambitions from the very beginning. Inspired by the Heritage Data Reuse Charter, the DARIAH-Campus team has developed this Reuse Charter in order to declare our clear commitment to the six core principles of Reciprocity, Interoperability, Citability, Openness, Stewardship and Trustworthiness and show how this commitment is reflected in the design and the daily operations of the platform. In addition, as a mutual declaration of goodwill, the charter allows us to clarify our expectations regarding the interaction between content creators, users and curators.


DARIAH-Campus is a platform where content providers can meet with content users (acknowledging that a significant portion of the scholarly communities usually fulfil both roles anyway). Reciprocity is a core value in the design and operation of our platform as it gives the opportunity for creators of training materials to share their content in a sustainable way, while learners ((re)users) are encouraged to share their feedback but also contribute new training materials. To facilitate the exchange, contact information of both authors (together with other contributors) and commenters/reviewers will be made explicit.


Whenever possible, training materials will be made accessible in open formats that facilitate their reuse. We share metadata in a standardized format to ease harvesting our content. We make available the content of our hosted learning resources (written in Markdown, a lightweight markup language) available through a GitHub repository. That said, while users can easily discover content relevant to their learning needs via the DARIAH-Campus website, the well-documented GitHub repository allows both reusers and training providers to directly access the repository, enrich it, fork it or harvest it.


We would like to contribute to a more comprehensive citation culture in the Arts and Humanities that accommodates various types of training resources. Therefore, we apply data citation standards and make our recommended citation model explicit for each training resource shared via DARIAH-Campus.


DARIAH-Campus is an Open Educational Resource (OER). Unless stated otherwise, our content is openly and freely available under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license. This allows anyone to legally and freely access, copy, use, enrich, adapt and re-share the resources. Access to our content and corresponding metadata does not require registration or any other forms of giving personal data in return for access.


DARIAH is uniquely positioned to share new kinds of knowledge from broader networks in a wide variety of formats. We make strong commitments (see Pillar 2 of the DARIAH Strategy Plan 2019-2026) to equip researchers at all career stages with the skills they need to excel in the fast-changing digital and open research environment. Establishing workflows to ensure the long-term availability of the training materials hosted on DARIAH-Campus is a priority.


We are committed to provide clear provenance information about the training resources we integrate into DARIAH-Campus. In the context of materials hosted on DARIAH-Campus, we recognize the diverse contributor roles (author, editor, contributor) to clearly document who participated in the production process in order to ensure its traceability and also to recognize and appropriately credit the many kinds of contributions that the creation of Digital Humanities training resources involves.

The DARIAH-Campus Reuse Charter is a living document that evolves with the development of the platform.