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FAIR principles of data management are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).


  • Digitisation with 360 Degrees Photography

    This resource is an introduction to 360 degrees panorama photography. It explores different types of panoramic representations and examples of 360 degree panoramas in the cultural heritage domain. Practical advice and step by step guidance on how to capture data and process them is also included in order to produce and publish 360 degrees panorama images.
    • Karina Rodriguez Echavarria
    • Nicola Schiavottiello
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  • Data Ethics in Cultural Heritage

    This resource aims to introduce the main aspects of data ethics in the cultural heritage domain. It also examines how data management can be supported to become more ethical, while also addressing topical discourse about data ethics in the sector. The resource also aims to support in critically reflecting on some case studies with evident digital data ethics considerations.
  • Digital Exhibition Design

    This resource provides guidance on digital practices to curate interactive experiences through a set of practical exercises. The resource aims to support GLAM’s researchers and practitioners to engage with their audiences through the design of multimedia applications, while making use of appropriate frameworks and tools.
  • Introduction to Collections as Data

    The goal of this course is to introduce the Collections as Data principles in the cultural heritage sector to make available a digital collection suitable for computational use. Students will have a fundamental understanding of the complexities of Collections as Data as well as an appreciation of the diversity of the content provided by cultural heritage institutions. This course will be useful for small and medium-sized institutions willing to make available their digital collections suitable for computational use.
  • Creating Stories with 3D Data on the Web

    This resource provides guidance on how to use digital storytelling, deploying 3D data, annotations and combining media to enable users to access and explore information about digital heritage assets over the web.
    • Karina Rodriguez Echavarria
    • Nicola Schiavottiello
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