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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Prompt Engineering


Prompt engineering is a critical skill to develop when working with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, especially when interacting with large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. It involves crafting effective and precise input prompts to elicit the desired output from an AI model. This skill is essential in various fields, including the digital humanities, where researchers and professionals leverage AI to explore, analyze, and interpret cultural, historical, and archaeological data.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this training resource, learners should be able to:

  • Understand a wide array of prompt engineering techniques useful in text to text and text to image AI tools
  • Practice discernment in knowing when to use each method and why
  • Identify examples of each technique covered in this resource
  • Recall a wide range of fields in which AI is currently being applied
  • Discuss the benefits, drawbacks and limitations of applied AI using examples

What are ‘Prompts’ and How to Use Them?

While Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool, it’s essential to remember that AI-generated outputs require careful review and corroboration. AI models can produce inaccurate or misleading information, especially if prompts are ambiguous or lack specificity. Users should be critical and evaluate the outputs, cross-referencing them against reliable sources. Trusting AI outputs without proper scrutiny can lead to the propagation of errors or misinterpretations in research and analysis.

Before we start this module in earnest, let’s take a quick look at how we can use AI to generate text or images using ‘prompts’. A ‘prompt’ is a line of text that instructs the text or image generate as to what you want it to produce. Prompts can be entered into various AI-driven platforms, including:

  • Text-based AI systems: Such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Copilot, Anthropic’s Claude or Google’s Gemini, where prompts guide the model to generate responses.
  • AI-driven analysis tools: Used in text mining, natural language processing, or image recognition software.
  • Educational and research platforms: Like digital humanities tools and databases integrated with AI capabilities.

Prompt engineering allows for more precise and meaningful interactions with AI tools, enhancing research and educational outcomes. By refining prompts, users can ensure that the AI provides responses that are both relevant and insightful. The following are examples of queries with simple prompts and corrected, more specific prompts.

Example 1: Artifact Description

Simple Prompt: “Describe “X” artifact.”

Well-Engineered Prompt: “Describe the main features, historical significance, and possible cultural context of a Roman pottery fragment dated around 200 AD found in a burial site.”

Why it’s better: The good prompt is more specific, guiding the AI to provide detailed information relevant to the context, rather than a vague or general description.

Example 2: Site Analysis

Simple Prompt: “Tell me about “X” archaeological site.”

Well-Engineered Prompt: “Provide a detailed analysis of the architectural structure and religious significance of the temple found at the archaeological site in Luxor, Egypt, dating back to the 18th Dynasty.”

Why it’s better: This prompt specifies the location, historical period, and aspects of the site to focus on, leading to a more accurate and relevant response.

In the next section, we will take a closer look at the methods of prompt engineering in text-to-text AI.

Introduction to Prompt Engineering in Text-to-Text AI

In the broad landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), text-to-text AI stands out for its ability to process and generate human-like text. Unlike other AI types, which might focus on visual or auditory processing, text-to-text AI excels in understanding and producing written language, making it particularly useful in applications like chatbots, content creation, and language translation.

Prompt engineering is a critical skill for effectively utilizing text-to-text AI. It involves crafting input prompts that guide the AI to produce the desired output. This is not just about what you ask, but how you ask it. The quality of the AI’s response often hinges on the clarity, structure, and specificity of the prompt.

As we discuss various various prompt engineering methods, remember, the goal is to communicate with the AI as effectively as possible. Each method has its unique application and context, helping you unlock the full potential of AI in humanities research and beyond. Understanding these techniques will enable you to tailor AI responses to your specific needs, enhancing both the efficiency and accuracy of your interactions with AI systems.


The following are examples of methodologies which can be used to improve text to text prompts. Each method explored has a title, an explanation, details on when to use, a sample prompt and a quiz to practice your new skill.

1. Conditional Logic

Explanation: The Conditional Logic method is used for responses based on specific conditions or criteria. It is essential when the output needs to be tailored to certain prerequisites.

When to Use: This method is ideal for decision trees and for the process of filtering options, particularly useful in scenarios requiring logical bifurcation based on given conditions.

Sample Prompt: “If I give you ingredients, can you provide a recipe using only those ingredients?”

2. Prompt Libraries

Explanation: The Prompt Libraries method involves structured, consistent prompts to ensure quality output. It is centered around template-based prompts that guide user input.

When to Use: This approach is best when consistency and control over AI responses are needed, making it suitable for educational or customer service scenarios.

Sample Prompt: “Here’s a template: ‘Can you [action] [object]?’ Now fill in the blanks with your specific question.”

3. Branching

Explanation: The Branching method is used in multi-step processes or when dealing with multiple options. It involves structured inputs that guide the AI through separate steps.

When to Use: Useful in complex queries, troubleshooting, or when a step-by-step approach is necessary for clarity and depth.

Sample Prompt: “Let’s troubleshoot. First tell me what’s not working. Then I’ll guide you through the steps.”

4. Stemming and Lemmatization (Pre-processing)

Explanation: This method simplifies words to their root forms, aiding in the AI’s understanding and processing of prompts.

When to Use: Ideal for linguistic analysis, enhancing consistency in language processing tasks, or when dealing with language variations.

Sample Prompt: “Convert ‘running’, ‘ran’, and ‘runner’ to their root form ‘run’.”

5. Domain-Specific Language

Explanation: This method involves using specialized vocabulary related to a specific field or subject.

When to Use: Suitable when dealing with topics requiring technical knowledge or expertise, such as medical, legal, or scientific fields.

Sample Prompt: “Using medical terminology, explain the symptoms of diabetes.”

6. Syntactic Cues

Explanation: This method uses specific sentence structures or grammatical patterns to influence the AI’s response style or content.

When to Use: Effective for structuring responses, teaching language patterns, or when specific formats are required, like bullet points or summaries.

Sample Prompt: “In a bullet-point format, list the steps in photosynthesis.”

7. Parallel Prompts

Explanation: This method involves using similar structures in multiple prompts to maintain consistency and facilitate comparison.

When to Use: Best suited for comparative studies, thematic analyses, or when evaluating responses based on a common framework.

Sample Prompt: “Compare ‘night’ and ‘day’ in separate but structurally similar sentences.”

8. Identity Assignation

Explanation: This method assigns a specific identity or role to the AI to guide its responses, like a character or expert in a field.

When to Use: Useful for role-playing scenarios, expert simulations, or when a distinct perspective is required in the response.

Sample Prompt: “As a nutritionist, recommend a healthy meal plan for a day.”

9. Multi-Turn Refinement

Explanation: This method involves a series of prompts and responses that build upon each other for a more refined or detailed outcome.

When to Use: Effective in collaborative tasks, refining ideas, or when initial responses need further development or clarification.

Sample Prompt: “Start by describing a basic concept. Then, I will ask follow-up questions to explore it in depth.”

10. Emotion and Tone Indicators

Explanation: This method directs the AI to convey a specific emotion or tone, like cheerful, serious, or empathetic, in its response.

When to Use: Ideal for creative writing, customer service interactions, or when the emotional context is critical to the communication.

Sample Prompt: “Write a motivational message in an uplifting tone.”

11. Synonym Variation

Explanation: This approach uses different synonyms in prompts to test the AI’s understanding and adaptability with language.

When to Use: Effective for language teaching, enhancing vocabulary skills, or when exploring nuances in language.

Sample Prompt: “Write about ‘happiness’, ‘joy’, and ‘contentment’, treating each as a unique concept.”

12. Anaphoric References

Explanation: This method utilizes pronouns or other referential terms to link sentences or ideas, testing the AI’s ability to maintain context.

When to Use: Suitable for enhancing narrative coherence, practicing language skills, or when continuity in communication is required.

Sample Prompt: “After explaining a concept, refer to it as ‘this theory’ in subsequent sentences.”

13. Time Constraints

Explanation: This method sets a specific time frame for the AI to address in its response, focusing on changes or developments over that period.

When to Use: Particularly useful for historical analysis, discussing trends, or when contextualizing information within a specific time period.

Sample Prompt: “Describe the evolution of smartphones over the last 20 years.”

14. Scenario Setting

Explanation: Creates a hypothetical or real-life scenario for the AI to respond to, enhancing creativity and context understanding.

When to Use: Ideal for brainstorming, problem-solving, or when requiring creative or situation-specific responses.

Sample Prompt: “Imagine you’re a detective solving a mystery. How would you proceed?”

15. Comparative and Contrastive Prompts

Explanation: Involves comparing and contrasting different concepts to highlight differences and similarities.

When to Use: Useful for analytical thinking, decision-making processes, and understanding diverse perspectives.

Sample Prompt: “Compare and contrast renewable and non-renewable energy sources.”

16. Problem-Solution Format

Explanation: This method frames prompts in a structure that identifies a problem and proposes solutions.

When to Use: Excellent for brainstorming, educational exercises, and scenarios where critical thinking is emphasized.

Sample Prompt: “Identify the main challenges of remote learning and suggest potential solutions.”

17. Explicit Reference

Explanation: This method directly cites or refers to specific sources or content within the prompt to guide the AI’s response.

When to Use: Useful when analyzing specific references or citing sources for educational and research purposes.

Sample Prompt: “Referring to Orwell’s ‘1984’, discuss the theme of surveillance.”

18. Feedback Loop Integration

Explanation: Involves iterative interaction where the AI refines its response based on continuous user feedback.

When to Use: Ideal for collaborative tasks, refining ideas, or when the initial response needs further development.

Sample Prompt: “Provide feedback on each draft of the essay, and I’ll revise accordingly.”

19. User-Generated Examples

Explanation: Encourages the use of examples or scenarios provided by the user, which the AI then expands upon or analyzes.

When to Use: Great for personalized learning, enhancing user engagement, and creative exercises.

Sample Prompt: “Give me an example of a time you felt happy, and I’ll analyze its emotional components.”

20. Conditional and Hypothetical Scenarios

Explanation: Creates scenarios based on ‘if-then’ conditions or hypothetical situations to guide the AI’s responses.

When to Use: Useful for exploring possibilities, creative writing, and decision-making processes.

Sample Prompt: “If humans could live on Mars, how would society be structured?”

21. Instructional Prompts

Explanation: Directs the AI to provide instructions, step-by-step guides, or how-to explanations.

When to Use: Ideal for educational content, DIY guides, or scenarios requiring procedural knowledge.

Sample Prompt: “Explain how to bake a chocolate cake from scratch.”

22. Metaphorical Language

Explanation: Utilizes metaphors or figurative language to convey concepts in a more imaginative way.

When to Use: Excellent for creative writing, making abstract concepts tangible, or illustrating complex ideas simply.

Sample Prompt: “Describe the internet as if it were a vast ocean.”

23. Opinion-Driven Prompts

Explanation: Encourages responses based on opinions, either simulated or by analyzing others’ perspectives.

When to Use: Useful for generating discussions, exploring subjective topics, or understanding different viewpoints.

Sample Prompt: “What is your opinion on the impact of social media on communication?”

24. Collaborative Storytelling

Explanation: Involves creating a narrative with the AI, where the user and AI build on each other’s inputs.

When to Use: Great for creative exercises, language learning, and engaging storytelling.

Sample Prompt: “I’ll start a story about a mysterious island. You continue from where I leave off.”

Text to Text AI in Summary

As we conclude our exploration of prompt engineering methods for text-to-text AI, it’s important to reflect on the versatility and power these techniques offer. The ability to effectively communicate with AI opens up a wide range of possibilities in research, creativity, and problem-solving. By mastering these methods, you can guide AI to generate more precise, relevant, and insightful responses, which will help the AI tool of your choice have an even greater impact on your goals.

The effectiveness of AI is strongly influenced by how we interact with it. The methods covered in this resource provide strategies for navigating this interface with greater control and accuracy. As AI continues to develop, staying up to date with new prompt engineering techniques will be key to using AI wisely. Whether you’re using AI for academic research, practical applications or just for fun, the skills you’ve learned here will serve as a basis for more effective AI interactions. Keep experimenting, learning, and adapting these methods to your unique needs and contexts as tools change and more products and capabilities are released to the public. A future with AI is ahead of us all and after this resource, you’re better equipped to be a part of it.

Next, we will be moving on to text-to-image techniques.

Introduction to Advanced Image Generation Techniques in AI

In this section, learners will gain the skills to interface with AI tools in a manner which is efficient and accurate. You will learn techniques of image generation using AI, primarily focusing on methods that enhance the connection between what you want to see and what the AI tool generates for you. From word weighting to narrative elements, each technique will open new doors to how AI interprets and visualizes our ideas. This resource will equip you with the skills to not just use AI effectively but to know when to employ each technique you learn and why. Honing this skill is a way to blend art, technology, and imagination, transforming the way we perceive and create images in the digital age.


1. Word Weighting

Explanation: This technique involves emphasizing certain keywords in the prompt to steer the AI’s focus during image generation.

When to Use: Ideal when specific elements need prominence in the generated image, or when refining the details of an image.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image of a ‘sunny, crowded beach’ emphasizing ‘sunny’.”

2. Dataset-Informed Reference Cues

Explanation: Leverages knowledge of the AI’s training dataset to create prompts that are more likely to produce accurate and detailed images.

When to Use: Useful when the desired image requires specific details or styles known to be in the AI’s training set.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image in the style of a 19th-century landscape painting, as found in your dataset.”

3. Sensorial Language

Explanation: Involves using descriptive, sensory-rich language in prompts to enhance the vividness and detail of the generated images.

When to Use: Best used when the goal is to create images that evoke specific sensory experiences or atmospheres.

Sample Prompt: “Generate an image of a ‘lush, fragrant rose garden at sunrise’.”

4. Contextual Anchoring

Explanation: This method involves using specific context or background settings in the prompt to guide the AI’s image generation process.

When to Use: Effective when a detailed background or setting is crucial to the image, or to provide a sense of place.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image of a ‘busy New York street in the 1920s’.”

5. Emotional Resonance

Explanation: Focuses on embedding emotional cues in the prompt to evoke a specific mood or feeling in the generated image.

When to Use: Ideal for artistic projects where conveying a particular emotion or atmosphere is key.

Sample Prompt: “Generate an image that evokes a feeling of ‘nostalgia and warmth’.”

6. Historical Accuracy

Explanation: Involves crafting prompts that accurately reflect historical periods or events for authentic image generation.

When to Use: Useful in educational settings, historical recreations, or when factual accuracy in historical depictions is crucial.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image depicting ‘a typical street scene in Victorian London’.”

7. Symbolic Representation

Explanation: Involves using symbols or metaphorical elements in prompts to create images with deeper meanings or associations.

When to Use: Suitable for conceptual art, thematic illustrations, or when the image needs to convey a message beyond its literal appearance.

Sample Prompt: “Generate an image representing ‘freedom’ using the symbol of a bird in flight.”

8. Abstract Conceptualization

Explanation: Focuses on creating prompts that describe abstract ideas or concepts for the AI to visualize in unique ways.

When to Use: Ideal for generating creative and unconventional images that represent intangible concepts or ideas.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image that visualizes the concept of ‘time passing’.”

9. Composite Imagery

Explanation: This method involves combining multiple elements or themes in a single prompt to create complex and layered images.

When to Use: Great for storytelling through images, creating rich visual narratives, or when a single image needs to convey multiple ideas.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image that combines elements of ‘a futuristic city’ and ‘nature thriving’.”

10. Genre-Specific Elements

Explanation: This technique involves incorporating specific elements characteristic of a particular genre or style in the prompt.

When to Use: Useful for creating images that align with specific artistic genres, like surrealism, realism, or impressionism.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image in the style of a Gothic horror scene.”

11. Scale and Proportion

Explanation: Focuses on manipulating the scale and proportion of elements in the prompt to create dramatic or surreal images.

When to Use: Ideal for artistic expressions, highlighting contrasts, or when exaggerating features for a specific effect.

Sample Prompt: “Generate an image of a tiny elephant standing next to a giant flower.”

12. Mood and Atmosphere

Explanation: This method involves creating prompts that specify the mood or atmosphere of the image, affecting its emotional impact.

When to Use: Effective for setting the tone of an image, in storytelling, or when the emotional setting is as important as the visual elements.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image of a mysterious, fog-covered forest at dusk.”

13. Color Theory Application

Explanation: Utilizes principles of color theory to guide the AI in choosing color palettes and combinations that evoke specific moods or themes.

When to Use: Ideal for artistic projects where color plays a key role in the overall impact of the image.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image with a calming palette of cool blues and greens.”

14. Intertextual References

Explanation: Involves incorporating references to other works of art, literature, or culture to create layered and meaningful images.

When to Use: Suitable for projects where intertextuality adds depth or when engaging with themes present in other works.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image inspired by Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ and the poetry of Emily Dickinson.”

15. Narrative Elements

Explanation: Focuses on creating prompts that include elements of storytelling to guide the AI in generating images that tell a story.

When to Use: Great for illustrative storytelling, creating book covers, or when the image needs to convey a narrative.

Sample Prompt: “Create an image of a ‘secret door hidden behind a bookshelf, leading to an unknown world’.”

AI image generation techniques in Summary

As we conclude our resource on advanced AI image generation techniques, we’ve seen how the thoughtful generation of prompts can strongly impact the images generated by AI. These methods are valuable tools with which users can get the most out of the AI products on the market today. By using these techniques when dealing with AI interfaces, you can create images that are far more reflective of your intentions, taking your ideas from your mind to the computer display. The future of AI art is vivid, and after completing this resource, you are better equipped to be a part of it. Be sure to experiment with your newly acquired skills!

Next, we will be moving on to understanding the many applications of AI.

Applications of AI

This section explores how AI is revolutionizing industries from healthcare to cybersecurity, offering innovative solutions and reshaping traditional practices. As we explore each sector, we’ll uncover the unique benefits, challenges, and future potential of AI. This exploration is not just about understanding AI’s current impact but also about envisioning its transformative role in shaping the future of these industries.


AI in healthcare significantly enhances diagnostic accuracy by leveraging large datasets to identify patterns that may not be visible to the human eye. It offers personalized treatment options by analyzing individual patient data to tailor specific therapies, thus improving patient outcomes. Additionally, AI improves patient management systems, streamlining administrative tasks and allowing healthcare providers to focus more on patient care. However, the primary concerns in AI healthcare applications revolve around ethical issues, such as ensuring unbiased data use, and the privacy of patient data, which necessitates robust security measures. A major limitation is the necessity for high-quality, unbiased data to ensure effective AI performance. The future of AI in healthcare looks promising, with anticipated breakthroughs in predictive analytics that can foresee health issues before they arise, and more tailored treatment plans that cater to individual patient needs.


In the finance sector, AI excels in risk assessment by analyzing market trends and historical data to predict potential risks, thereby enabling more informed decision-making. It is highly effective in detecting fraudulent activities, using sophisticated algorithms to identify unusual patterns and transactions. AI also provides customized financial advice, helping individuals and organizations manage their finances more efficiently. However, one drawback is the potential for AI to perpetuate existing biases, as it heavily relies on historical data which may contain inherent biases. Another notable limitation is the risk of job displacement in the financial sector due to increasing automation. Looking ahead, AI is expected to develop more robust financial models that can adapt to changing market conditions and improve regulatory compliance processes, ensuring that financial institutions operate within legal frameworks.


AI in education offers personalized learning experiences by adapting content to suit individual student needs, thereby enhancing learning outcomes. It streamlines administrative processes, reducing the workload on educators and allowing them to focus more on teaching. AI also provides enhanced engagement tools, making learning more interactive and engaging for students. However, concerns include the digital divide, where not all students have equal access to technology, and the potential loss of personal interaction in learning, which can affect the student-teacher relationship. Effective implementation of AI in education requires access to technology and adequate teacher training. The future of AI in education is expected to bring further personalization of learning and the development of adaptive learning systems that continuously evolve to meet the needs of each student.


AI boosts crop yield predictions by analyzing environmental conditions and historical data, enabling farmers to make informed decisions. It improves pest control efficiency through precise identification and targeting of pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. AI also automates farm operations, from planting to harvesting, enhancing productivity and efficiency. Despite these benefits, challenges include the high costs of adopting new technologies and potential job losses as automation replaces manual labor. AI in agriculture relies heavily on data accuracy and availability, as precise data is essential for effective decision-making. Future prospects involve advanced precision farming techniques that use AI to optimize resource use and enhance sustainable practices, contributing to environmental conservation and food security..


AI optimizes energy consumption by analyzing usage patterns and recommending efficient practices, reducing costs and environmental impact. It improves renewable energy management by predicting energy production and balancing supply with demand. AI also enhances grid stability by monitoring and managing the flow of electricity in real-time. However, implementation challenges include high initial costs and integration complexities, particularly in existing infrastructures. AI in the energy sector is dependent on large-scale data for accurate predictions and effective management. The future of AI in energy anticipates significant growth in smart grid technology and autonomous energy systems that can adapt to changing conditions and ensure a stable energy supply.


In the realm of cybersecurity, AI enhances threat detection by identifying patterns and anomalies that indicate potential security breaches. It improves security protocol automation, allowing for quick responses to cyber threats. AI also aids in real-time response, minimizing damage from attacks. However, risks include the potential for AI to be used in sophisticated cyber attacks, making it a double-edged sword. Issues around privacy and the ethical use of AI in surveillance and monitoring also arise. Effective use of AI in cybersecurity depends on continuous updates and training to stay ahead of emerging threats. The future focus is on developing advanced predictive capabilities for preemptive security measures, anticipating threats before they materialize and strengthening defenses accordingly.

AI aids in the legal sector by automating document analysis and legal research, significantly reducing the time required for these tasks. It also helps in predicting case outcomes based on historical data, providing valuable insights for legal professionals. However, concerns include ethical implications, such as ensuring that AI decisions are fair and unbiased, and maintaining accuracy in legal judgments. AI systems must be carefully calibrated to align with legal standards and practices to avoid erroneous conclusions. The future of AI in the legal sector is expected to expand into more nuanced aspects of legal judgment and assistance, offering tools that can support lawyers and judges in making more informed decisions.

Government and Public Sector

AI enhances public service delivery by automating routine tasks, reducing wait times, and improving the efficiency of services. It improves policy analysis by analyzing large datasets to identify trends and inform decision-making. AI also streamlines administrative processes, reducing bureaucracy and enabling more responsive governance. However, the use of AI in government raises concerns about surveillance and privacy, as well as the ethical use of AI in decision-making. Public acceptance and transparent policy implementation are crucial for the successful integration of AI. The future of AI in the public sector is expected to drive smarter governance and more efficient public services, leveraging technology to better serve citizens.


In conclusion, our exploration of AI applications across various sectors reveals a rapidly evolving landscape where technology meets practicality and innovation drives progress. From enhancing healthcare with predictive analytics and personalized treatments to revolutionizing telecommunications with improved network optimization and customer service, AI proves itself to be a versatile and powerful tool. As we look towards the future, we see the potential for AI to solve complex challenges, improve efficiency, and create new opportunities in different fields. This resource underscores the importance of understanding AI’s capabilities and preparing for its evolving role across different sectors. It is crucial to approach AI integration with a balanced perspective, recognizing both its immense potential and the ethical, privacy, and socio-economic challenges it presents. By doing so, we can harness AI’s benefits while navigating its challenges responsibly. As we move forward, continuous learning and adaptation will be essential in ensuring that AI serves as a force for positive change. Let us embrace the possibilities of AI with a forward-thinking mindset, fostering innovation while upholding ethical standards and prioritizing the well-being of society. The future of AI is bright, and with informed and conscientious application, it holds the promise of significantly enhancing our world in myriad ways.

Cite as

Emily Genatowski (2024). Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Prompt Engineering. Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Training module].

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Prompt Engineering
Emily Genatowski
Social Sciences and Humanities
Published to DARIAH-Campus:
Content type:
Training module
CCBY 4.0
Artificial Intelligence