DARIAH can help researchers to use digital methods at every stage of their research
Maija Paavolainen explains the challenges of finding a ‘common language’ in the digital humanities. She finds that simply talking about this issue helps. Thus, experience in communicating across disciplines is a positive outcome of training initiatives in itself. The role of research infrastructures, she argues, is certainly in sharing tools and best practices. However, most importantly, it is also to create opportunities for people to meet and learn face-to-face. She explains that humanities scholars are more accustomed to using digital methods and tools in the initial (information gathering) and final (publication) stages of research. However, DARIAH, specifically, can help them to also use them in the core part of the research process - i.e. in organising, annotating, and enriching data.
This is part of a series entitled ‘What is the Role of Training and Education in Research Infrastructures?’. DARIAH Director Toma Tasovac spoke to fellow DARIAHns and colleagues from prospective DARIAH countries about their own educational backgrounds and the role of training and education in digital research infrastructures. The interviews show that there is no single educational trajectory which produces DH scholars. The diversity of our backgrounds is one of the main strengths of our field.