Extracting CSV Data from the EHRI Search API
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This tutorial shows you how to use some popular command-line tools (available on MacOS, Linux, and Windows) to extract data from the EHRI Search API and convert it to CSV, where it can be imported into Excel or a relational database. The tools we will be using are as follows:
- Curl - a tool for making HTTP(S) requests from the command line
- Jq - a tool for processing and transforming JSON data in various ways
Both Curl and Jq are available on various platforms, but precise details of usage may vary depending on the version and platform. This guide will assume you’re using a system with a standard Unix-like shell (such as Bash), standard on MacOS or Linux and available on Windows in various forms such as WSL or Git for Windows.
Learning outcomes
After viewing this training resource, users will be able to:
- use some popular command-line tools (available on MacOS, Linux, and Windows) to extract data from the EHRI Search API
- convert extracted data to CSV format
- import data from a CSV file into Excel or a relational database