From Literary History to Digital Research Infrastructure: Pushing Beyond Boundaries
In this video, Jennifer Edmond gives us insights into her background in critical theory approaches and German literary history, through a spell in technical support and research strategy in the humanities, and how this has impacted her work in DARIAH. She talks about the importance of pushing beyond the foundations of your academic training to do new things in the humanities. How can the system vaildate this kind of groundbreaking research, and make it possible for early career researchers to make the leap? She explains the unique role of DARIAH in this process.
This is part of a series entitled ‘What is the Role of Training and Education in Research Infrastructures?’. DARIAH Director Toma Tasovac spoke to fellow DARIAHns and colleagues from prospective DARIAH countries about their own educational backgrounds and the role of training and education in digital research infrastructures. The interviews show that there is no single educational trajectory which produces DH scholars. The diversity of our backgrounds is one of the main strengths of our field.