Humanities, Augmented: Ecologies of Digital Research Practices
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This lecture by Mark Algee-Hewitt reflects on practices of doing research in the digital humanities and how the way in which we talk about research impacts upon the kind of things that we can do. University. Algee-Heritt’s keynote on “Humanities, Augmented: Ecologies of Digital Research Practices” was the closing lecture at the first DARIAH beyond Europe event, organised in September 2018 at Stanford University.
This workshop was part of a series of three-day workshops organised in the context of the DARIAH-DESIR project in 2018 and 2019, in the US and Australia, allowing an exchange of ideas between the DARIAH community and Digital Arts & Humanities projects in this international context. The first workshop was held at Stanford University on the topic of “Sustainable Infrastructures for Digital Arts & Humanities: An International DARIAH Exchange”, on September 13-15 2018.