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Multilingual Vocabularies for SSH Training

This webinar is part of the TRIPLE Open Science Training Series.

This training session is a synergy of TRIPLE and SSHOC projects and focuses on controlled vocabularies for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). It is led by Daan Broeder with contributions from other SSHOC partners (CLARIN ERIC/SSHOC), Haris Georgiadis (EKT/TRIPLE) and Nikos Vasilogamvrakis (EKT).

Vocabularies are presented as organised arrangements of words and phrases used to annotate, index and retrieve content through browsing or searching. Nikos Vasilogamvrakis  explains that the standardised terms which make controlled vocabularies do not intend to include natural language terms. In fact, these terms are concepts linked to each other by a series of relationships which form a network of concepts. 

The work performed within the TRIPLE project to create a multilingual SSH vocabulary to be used for annotating (tagging) the publications hosted in the GoTriple platform is presented by Iraklis Katsaloulis, along with ways to increase the multilingualism of the vocabulary.

Finally, Daan Broeder introduces Vocabularies in the SSHOC project and the importance of multilinguality based on two case studies. He also presents the priorities and recommendations towards an SSH Vocabularies Commons. 

You can download the slides here:

Learning outcomes

After watching this video you should be able to: 

  • Explain what SSH vocabularies are and why they are so important. 
  • Understand the steps to create a multilingual SSH vocabulary.
  • Identify management needs related to the large variety of vocabularies in the SSH.
  • Summarise how to build an interoperable infrastructure for vocabularies. 

Cite as

Daan Broeder, Nikos Vasilogamvrakis, Iraklis Katsaloulis, Lottie Provost and Monica Monachini (2022). Multilingual Vocabularies for SSH Training. Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Webinar recording].

Reuse conditions

Resources hosted on DARIAH-Campus are subjects to the DARIAH-Campus Training Materials Reuse Charter

Full metadata

Multilingual Vocabularies for SSH Training
Daan Broeder, Nikos Vasilogamvrakis, Iraklis Katsaloulis
Social Sciences and Humanities
Published to DARIAH-Campus:
Content type:
Webinar recording
CCBY 4.0
Controlled Vocabularies, Project management