DARIAH-DE Collection Registry Tutorial
If you are searching for a tool that enables you to describe and index data collections, the DARIAH-DE Collection Registry might be the perfect one for you. In the Collection Registry you can describe collections with metadata, using the DARIAH Collection Description Data Model (DCDDM). Via a graphical user interface, you can describe your collections in different categories, depending on the metadata you have available. Not only digital collections but also analogous collections can be described.
The tutorial is divided into two sections: general information on collections, and a user guide. It gives step-by-step instructions on how to work with the Collection Registry. Eventually, best practice examples are given which illustrate an ideal case for your use of the Collection Registry.
Should you be new to research data management, the tutorial is a convenient way to get to know the Collection Registry and its potential, also with regard to the FAIR principles. With the manual, you get to know how the functionalities and potentials of the Collection Registry contribute to FAIR research on a user-related level.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this tutorial, you should:
- Have an understanding of the importance of metadata in data collections
- Understand the DARIAH Collection Description Data Model