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Controlled Vocabularies

Controlled Vocabularies are organised structures for words or phrases that allow for machine readability and easy retrieval


  • Use of vocabularies for metadata curation and quality assessment in Social Sciences and Humanities

    This event, organised in the framework of the TRIPLE project, provided insights into the use of “topical vocabularies” and their use in metadata curation and quality assessment in the Social Sciences and Humanities (in the EOSC context). The sessions introduces learners to have a better understanding of the interoperability challenges faced within/by the SSH branch of the EOSC, and be familiar with some initiatives related to metadata curation and enrichment in the SSH.
  • Building and Linking Humanities' Digital Spatial Infrastructures

    This workshop, focussing on "Spatial data medieval to modern", is the first of a series of workshops from the NOS-HS project "Linking, Building, and Sustaining Humanities Digital Spatial Infrastructures for Research in the Nordic Countries". The main aims of this workshop were to define key concepts (spatial infrastructures, Linked Open Data, metadata, ontology), outline major challenges in the field, and to provide an opportunity to share experiences of addressing the issues in individual and national projects across the Nordic countries.
    • Alexandra Petrulevich
    • Sara Ellis-Nilsson
    • Peder Gammeltoft
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  • Multilingual Vocabularies for SSH

    This training event from the TRIPLE Project is jointly organised with the SSHOC Project and is dedicated to the creation, use and management of controlled vocabularies in the SSH. In this training session, the presenters highlight the need for multilingual SSH vocabularies and provide answers to the following questions: What are SSH Vocabularies and why are they so important; How to create a multilingual SSH Vocabulary (The TRIPLE case); How to build an interoperable infrastructure for vocabularies (The SSHOC case).
    • Daan Broeder
    • Nikos Vasilogamvrakis
    • Iraklis Katsaloulis
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  • Controlled Vocabularies and SKOS

    Thesauri, taxonomies and other forms of controlled vocabularies represent a conceptual backbone of the research, playing an ever-increasing role in various aspects of the data management process. These resources are indispensable to determine common understanding allowing to systematically categorize and enrich research data in a consistent manner, as well as foster the data interoperability and integration among projects and web applications.