Data Management is a set of practices and techniques used by researchers to ensure that their data is organised, structured and easily reusable for future research
Dieses Kapitel erläutert einige grundlegende Regeln für ein aktives und gutes Datenmanagement und beschreibt, wie Dateien und Ordner sinnvoll und eindeutig benannt und strukturiert werden können, wie man mit Versionierung arbeitet und welche Dateiformate für die Nachnutzbarkeit und Langzeitarchivierung geeignet sind.
This post is a quick reference guide to the DYLEN tool, an interactive visualisation tool that the Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks project team created to provide insights into the dynamic lexical changes of Austrian German during the 21st century. It helps lexicographers and linguists to analyse the development of Austrian German lexemes over the course of time. It is an open source tool that can be used free of charge.
This resource is an introduction to 360 degrees panorama photography. It explores different types of panoramic representations and examples of 360 degree panoramas in the cultural heritage domain. Practical advice and step by step guidance on how to capture data and process them is also included in order to produce and publish 360 degrees panorama images.
In this lesson, you will use Qt Designer and Python to design and implement a simple graphical user interface and application to merge PDF files. This lesson also demonstrates how to package the application for distribution to other personal computers.
An entity is an object with its own characteristics, defined according to the specificities of a given field. This resource covers associations between entities, attributes of entities, identifiers of entities and cardinalities of entities.
This resource aims to introduce the main aspects of data ethics in the cultural heritage domain. It also examines how data management can be supported to become more ethical, while also addressing topical discourse about data ethics in the sector. The resource also aims to support in critically reflecting on some case studies with evident digital data ethics considerations.
The goal of this course is to introduce the Collections as Data principles in the cultural heritage sector to make available a digital collection suitable for computational use. Students will have a fundamental understanding of the complexities of Collections as Data as well as an appreciation of the diversity of the content provided by cultural heritage institutions. This course will be useful for small and medium-sized institutions willing to make available their digital collections suitable for computational use.
The conference aimed to examine the possibilities of connecting information sciences and computer science with performing arts, focusing on three thematic blocks: archiving, artistic practices and scholarly research. The international scientific and professional conference is part of the project of the same name by the DARIAH-EU Working Group Theatralia, which is dedicated to the research of digital technology in the performing arts and the digitization of theatralia, financed from DARIAH-EU funds.
Knowledge Organization Systems provide the foundation for searching and retrieving information objects across digital collections and cultural heritage information systems. Starting from case studies this course provides an introduction to knowledge organization systems and their practical application in research contexts.
Tableau is a powerful digital tool for analysing data that can help with mapping and interrogating data. In this short guide we will focus on an aspect of data analysis using mapping that has particular application for Holocaust and refugee studies.
EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) supports the use of digital tools that can assist in the research of Holocaust and refugee related topics. In a continued effort to make these tools as accessible as possible so that researchers who have no experience with digital tools will consider trying new ways of using their data, this GitHub-based lesson showcases the use of entity match tools when dealing with geographic data.