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DARIAH Teach is an open source, multilingual, community-driven platform for high quality teaching and training materials for the digital arts and humanities.


  • Data Analysis with Python

    This course from dariahTeach introduces learners to the theoretical and practical foundations of an analysis of socio-cultural objects using Python through theoretical grounding and hands-on case studies. Students will work through several research use cases using basic machine learning, and employ network analysis to split a small community network into groups and clusters before finally learning more about visualisation and image analysis.
    • Zarah van Hout
    • Tobias Blanke
    • Giovanni Colavizza
  • Design, Development and Deployment of Augmented Reality Applications

    This course introduces learners to the concept of Cultural Heritage, Storytelling, and explores how Augmented Reality (AR) can be used to create interactive learning experiences based on digitised cultural heritage assets.
    • Stella Hadjistassou
    • Shaunna Joannidou
    • Petros Louca
  • Digital Historical Research on European Historical Newspaper with NewsEye Platform

    Since their beginnings in the 17th century, newspapers have recorded billions of events, stories and personal names in almost every language and every country daily. This course from DariahTeach provides an introduction to digitised historical newspaper analysis, incorporating methods of Natural Language Processing for discovering, exploiting and visualising newspapers.
    • Axel Jean Caurant
    • Antoine Doucet
    • Nicolas Sidère
  • Digitising Dictionaries

    This course is an introduction to the theories, practices, and methods of digitizing legacy dictionaries for research, preservation and online distribution. It focuses on a particular technique of modeling and describing lexical data using eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative, a de-facto standard for text encoding among humanities researchers.
    • Toma Tasovac
  • Editing Jane Austen

    This video features Kathryn Sutherland, Professor of Bibliography and Textual Criticism at the University of Oxford, talking about the Jane Austen Fiction Manuscripts Project.
    • Kathryn Sutherland
  • ENCODE open online course

    The ENCODE open online course 'Digital tools for the research and study of ancient writing cultures' is designed to introduce teaching staff, GLAM professionals, and graduates to ancient writing cultures and digital studies, exploring the digital transformations in the fields of Greek and Latin epigraphy, papyrology, and other aspects of ancient writing cultures.
    • Tom Gheldof
    • Carla Salvaterra
    • Marta Fogagnolo
  • Game.Play.Design in the Arts and Humanities

    This course introduces you to core concepts and theories within the field of game studies, game jams and game design.
    • Rikke Toft Nørgård
    • Claus Toft-Nielsen
    • Jeanette Falk Olesen
  • Introduction to Design Thinking and Maker Culture

    This course introduces the theories, tools, and methods behind Design Thinking and Maker Culture. It provides an overview of the history of Design Thinking, exploring its various schools of thought and practice, as well as providing an introduction to the more recently theorised space of Maker Culture. This course also explores how those in the arts, humanities, and creative and cultural industries can use the twin pillars of Design Thinking and Maker Culture in their everyday practice.
    • Susan Schreibman
    • Costas Papadopoulos
    • Marianne Huang
  • Introduction to Digital Humanities

    This course brings together established and emerging scholars from different parts of the world, fields and disciplines, theoretical and methodological traditions, who demonstrate the diversity of Digital Humanities by critically approaching schools of thought, methods, tools, standards, projects, and teaching practices in a series of videos.
    • Susan Schreibman
    • Costas Papadopoulos
  • Introduction to Knowledge Organization Systems

    Knowledge Organization Systems provide the foundation for searching and retrieving information objects across digital collections and cultural heritage information systems. Starting from case studies this course provides an introduction to knowledge organization systems and their practical application in research contexts.
    • Olívia Pestana
    • Koraljka Golub
  • Introduction to Programming for NLP with Python

    The aim of this virtual course is to offer basic knowledge and skills in programming in Python. Target audiences are undergraduate and graduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who want to acquire hands-on knowledge and skills in working with textual data or quantitative data in language and humanities research.
    • Koenraad De Smedt
  • Introduction to the E-spectator Digital Tool for Analysis of Performing Arts

    The Performing Arts' aesthetic and poetry can be sometimes destabilising at first glance and difficult to analyse because it is ephemeral by nature. The E-Spectator tool enables annotation of videos to better analyse and understand the performing arts. This course from dariahTeach introduces learners to the E-Spectator tool, with practical examples and quizzes to guide you along.
    • Elodie Chazalon
    • Cécile Chantraine Braillon
    • Fatiha Idmhand
  • Mixed Reality and Social Engagement

    This video features Tamar Gordon, Professor of Anthropology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA. In this video she discusses Mixed Reality and Social Engagement. Tamar talks about Augmented Reality as a tool that can make history come alive, while helping us to interpret cultural-historical environments and reflect upon our own experience and subject position within our own society.
    • Tamar Gordon
  • Multimodal Literacies

    This course invites you to discover the world of digital multimodal literacies through history, examples, experiments and editing tools. In the last unit you will be able to build your own multimodal editing tool, an eTalk.
    • Claire Clivaz
    • Martial Sankar
  • My Digital Humanities: A Feminist Reading

    This video features Laura Mandell, Professor of English and Director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture a Texas A&M University. Laura defines feminism from a Digital Humanities perspective arguing for a need to adjust practices so that they are not replicating the sexist infrastructure of the traditional academy and business world.
    • Laura Mandell
  • My Digital Humanities: Visualising Text

    This video features Geoffrey Rockwell, Professor of Philosophy and Humanities Computing at the University of Alberta, Canada and Stéfan Sinclair, Associate Professor of Digital Humanities at McGill University. Their discussion involves text visualisation within Digital Humanities, thus emphasising, that visualisation is not the end product, but an intellectual process of thinking and interpreting text.
    • Geoffrey Rockwell
    • Stéfan Sinclair
  • Netnography

    Netnography is an adaptation of ethnography to the study of digital interactions. In this course, the ethnographic perspective underpinning Netnography is introduced together with the netnographic approach and different types of netnographic material.
    • Fredrik Hanell
    • Pernilla Jonsson Severson
  • Open Education and MOOCs

    This video features Prof. Graeme Earl, Director of Enterprise and Impact (Humanities), University of Southampton, talking about the benefits and challenges of Open Education and Massive Open Online Courses.
    • Graeme Earl
  • How to Practice Design Thinking and Making

    Design thinking is much less about knowing and much more about doing: it is learning what is needed by creating it. This course is designed to help students and professionals to apply the principles of design thinking in developing their own projects.
    • Guido Stompff
  • Remaking Material Culture in 3D

    This course is designed to develop your knowledge of the theory and practice of digitising material culture by producing computer generated and printed 3D models.
    • Costas Papadopoulos
  • Retrieving Text from Spoken Data

    This video features speech technologist Henk van den Heuvel, linguist Silvia Calamai and data curator Louise Corti explaining how speech technology has reached the stage of being able to automatically recognise and retrieve speech in huge amounts of audio visual data.
    • Henk van den Heuvel
    • Silvia Calamai
    • Louise Corti
  • Sound Studies

    The course presents Sound Studies (5 ECTS) in five units involving theoretical, analytical and practical competences.
    • Marianne Huang
    • Jacob Kreutzfeldt
    • Anna Lawaetz
  • Spatial Humanities & Social Justice

    This video features Angel D. Nieves, Professor of Africana Studies and Digital Humanities at Hamilton College, US, talking about the field of black spatial humanities.
    • Angel Nieves
  • Spatial Image Analytics

    Do you work with digital images in a humanities discipline? Are you interested in exploring the spatial properties of your dataset but don't know how? Or maybe you are just curious on the topic. This workshop aims to introduce participants to the technologies and technical abilities required for the spatial exploration of image datasets and is of interest to a variety of digital humanities students, scholars and professionals.
    • Angeliki Chrysanthi
  • Storytelling for Digital Narratives and Blended Spaces

    This interdisciplinary course addresses how principles of textual, visual, oral, and place-based storytelling challenge and enhance the conceptualisation, construction and experience of digitally-created worlds connecting to real-world places, locations, and landscapes.
    • Marianne Huang
    • Susan Schreibman
    • Emilie Sitzia
  • Text Analysis - Linguistics Meets Data Science

    What are the differences between a data scientist and a corpus linguist? This course provides an overview of the different perspectives on language and different types of tools that can be used for text analytics. It also introduces topic modelling and sentiment analysis as approaches to textual data.
    • Jukka Tyrkkö
    • Daniel Ocic Ihrmark
  • Text, Versions and the Editorial Impulse

    This video features Paul Eggert, Martin J. Svaglic Endowed Chair in Textual Studies, Department of English, Loyola University Chicago, talking about textual studies and the study of versions as a methodology to ask questions revealing the lifespan of a text.
    • Paul Eggert
  • Textual Scholarship

    This video features Dr. James Cummings, University of Oxford, Dr. Anne Baillot, Centre Marc Bloch, Dr. Marjorie Burghart, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS, Prof Kenneth M. Price, University of Nebraska, and Prof Elena Pierazzo, Université Grenoble Alpes, interpreting what is textual scholarship and textual criticism.
    • James Cummings
    • Anne Baillot
    • Marjorie Burghart
  • Design Based Research in Educational Contexts

    In this lecture, Tony Hall examines design-based research (DBR) in educational contexts and settings. Drawing on key contemporary concepts and literature in educational design research, he focuses on how design-based research can be adapted and adopted, both to develop and deploy bespoke educational innovations and technologies.
    • Tony Hall
  • Gender and Stylistics

    This video features Laura Mandell, Professor of English and Director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture at Texas A&M University, discussing the flawed binary nature of stylometric algorithms used to detect gender and illustrates these flaws by discussing the work of Mary Wollstonecraft.
    • Laura Mandell