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eHeritage refers to the practice of using digital technologies to create, enhance, preserve, visualise, or manage cultural heritage items


  • Digitisation with 360 Degrees Photography

    This resource is an introduction to 360 degrees panorama photography. It explores different types of panoramic representations and examples of 360 degree panoramas in the cultural heritage domain. Practical advice and step by step guidance on how to capture data and process them is also included in order to produce and publish 360 degrees panorama images.
    • Karina Rodriguez Echavarria
    • Nicola Schiavottiello
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  • Data Ethics in Cultural Heritage

    This resource aims to introduce the main aspects of data ethics in the cultural heritage domain. It also examines how data management can be supported to become more ethical, while also addressing topical discourse about data ethics in the sector. The resource also aims to support in critically reflecting on some case studies with evident digital data ethics considerations.
  • Digital Exhibition Design

    This resource provides guidance on digital practices to curate interactive experiences through a set of practical exercises. The resource aims to support GLAM’s researchers and practitioners to engage with their audiences through the design of multimedia applications, while making use of appropriate frameworks and tools.
  • Digitisation Methods for Material Culture

    This resource is an introduction to Digitisation Methods for Material Culture. The resource explores basic topics with regards to the study of material culture, while also looking at types of media as means to communicate and share information about it, as well as digitisation methods to capture material culture data.
    • Karina Rodriguez Echavarria
    • Myrsini Samaroudi
    • Nicola Schiavottiello
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  • Linking Digital Heritage, Games and Virtual Tourism

    This talk gives an overview over developments in digital cultural heritage in recent decades and explores challenges, and opportunities, in the field. It addresses the importance of open, fair and democratic sharing of cultural data, challenges with sustainability of digital projects and how gaming can be a tool for public engagement.
  • Digital Historical Research on European Historical Newspaper with NewsEye Platform

    Since their beginnings in the 17th century, newspapers have recorded billions of events, stories and personal names in almost every language and every country daily. This course from DariahTeach provides an introduction to digitised historical newspaper analysis, incorporating methods of Natural Language Processing for discovering, exploiting and visualising newspapers.
    • Axel Jean Caurant
    • Antoine Doucet
    • Nicolas Sidère
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  • The Learning Curve in Sharing Data with the EHRI Project

    A partnership between Kazerne Dossin and EHRI was established to enable sharing of metadata with a broader audience. This partnership resulted in changes to the practices of cataloguing archival materials within Kazerne Dossin. Using the example of the Lewkowicz family collection, this article focuses on the revolution Kazerne Dossin went through while standardising descriptions, and on the tools EHRI provided to optimise the workflow for collection holding institutes.
    • Dorien Styven
    • Marius Caragea
    • Veerle Vanden Daelen
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  • Using Spatial Data in Tableau

    Tableau is a powerful digital tool for analysing data that can help with mapping and interrogating data. In this short guide we will focus on an aspect of data analysis using mapping that has particular application for Holocaust and refugee studies.
  • Entity Matching

    EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) supports the use of digital tools that can assist in the research of Holocaust and refugee related topics. In a continued effort to make these tools as accessible as possible so that researchers who have no experience with digital tools will consider trying new ways of using their data, this GitHub-based lesson showcases the use of entity match tools when dealing with geographic data.
  • What Can I Do With This Messy Spreadsheet? Converting from Excel Sheets to Fully Compliant EAD-XML files

    Many Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAMs) face difficulties sharing their collections metadata in standardised and sustainable ways, meaning that staff rely on more familiar general purpose office programs such as spreadsheets. However, while these tools offer a simple approach to data registration and digitisation they don’t allow for more advanced uses. This blogpost from EHRI explains a procedure for producing EAD (Encoded Archival Description) files from an Excel spreadsheet using OpenRefine.