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  • Digitisation with 360 Degrees Photography

    This resource is an introduction to 360 degrees panorama photography. It explores different types of panoramic representations and examples of 360 degree panoramas in the cultural heritage domain. Practical advice and step by step guidance on how to capture data and process them is also included in order to produce and publish 360 degrees panorama images.
    • Karina Rodriguez Echavarria
    • Nicola Schiavottiello
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  • Creating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification

    This lesson provides a beginner-friendly introduction to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification. The tutorial provides a conceptual understanding of how neural networks work by using Google’s Teachable Machine to train a model on paintings from the ArtUK database. This lesson also demonstrates how to use Javascript to embed the model in a live website.
  • Creating GUIs in Python for Digital Humanities Projects

    In this lesson, you will use Qt Designer and Python to design and implement a simple graphical user interface and application to merge PDF files. This lesson also demonstrates how to package the application for distribution to other personal computers.
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Prompt Engineering

    In this resource, learners will receive an introduction to artificial intelligence through the exploration of prompt engineering across text to text and text to image interfaces. Learners will also explore the positive varied applications of AI as well as the drawbacks.
  • Corpus Query Language im Austrian Media Corpus

    Diese Ressource stellt den Austria Media Corpus (amc) und seine Nutzungsmöglichkeiten vor. Sie erklärt die Durchführung von Abfragen in der corpus query engine namens Sketch Engine. Im Besonderen geht es um die Einführung in Sketch Engine's "Corpus Query Language" (CQL). Das Ziel des Tutorials ist es, den Benutzern des Austrian Media Corpus (amc) einen einfachen Einstieg in die Abfrage des amc mit der Sketch Engine und CQL zu ermöglichen. Daher ist das Tutorial bewusst in deutscher Sprache gehalten. Alle Beispiele im Tutorial sind direkt dem amc entnommen.
  • A Basic Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    This pathfinder provides an introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), covering analysis and visualization. It explains various spatial methods and each method is explained with a definition, practical examples and links to free resources online for further reading and exploration.
  • Data and Databases: Entities and Relationships

    An entity is an object with its own characteristics, defined according to the specificities of a given field. This resource covers associations between entities, attributes of entities, identifiers of entities and cardinalities of entities.
  • Introduction to Cultural Heritage Data Modelling — with a focus on Europeana Data Model

    This course provides a comprehensive overview of cultural heritage data modelling, focusing on structuring and documenting information within the context of cultural heritage institutions. Participants will learn to represent information using entities and relationships, applying relevant metadata standards. The course emphasises the importance of understanding data models for reusing both data and metadata, with a specific focus on the Europeana Data Model (EDM) and its application in academic and research settings.
  • Introduction to Europeana APIs

    This course provides a comprehensive understanding of Europeana as a digital platform through a walkthrough of the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) it offers. It provides the knowledge and skills to understand the purpose they serve and the functionality they have, to exploit them by formulating efficient queries for cultural heritage information retrieval. Building on use cases, it delves into the APIs required to achieve research goals, exploring their features and providing familiarisation with supported data formats.
  • Data Ethics in Cultural Heritage

    This resource aims to introduce the main aspects of data ethics in the cultural heritage domain. It also examines how data management can be supported to become more ethical, while also addressing topical discourse about data ethics in the sector. The resource also aims to support in critically reflecting on some case studies with evident digital data ethics considerations.
  • Digital Exhibition Design

    This resource provides guidance on digital practices to curate interactive experiences through a set of practical exercises. The resource aims to support GLAM’s researchers and practitioners to engage with their audiences through the design of multimedia applications, while making use of appropriate frameworks and tools.
  • Introduction to Cultural Heritage Data

    This course provides the essential knowledge and skills to understand and efficiently use Cultural Heritage data. Guided by Prof. Lorena, a persona created for the course, participants explore the significance of CH data, its types, and formats. They learn to identify sources for data acquisition and apply techniques to enhance data quality. The course also covers methods for organizing CH data, introduces key metadata standards, and examines current trends and technologies in the field.